domingo, 29 de marzo de 2020

COVID-19, the Roman Catholic Church and the Aztec Calendar

What is shown in this post is only part of the research I am doing of the relevant historical persons and events that have changed the history of the world. This is only a brief part. I show it by the current relevance. They are not isolated events. It is actually a sequence and a pattern resulting from filtering the history of the last 520 years through the Aztec calendrical mechanism, based mainly on NUMBER 13.

 Its basic cycles are 2 wheels, one of 260 days, the Tonalpohualli or "Count of Destinations" and the other, of 365 days, called Xihuitl or "Festival of the Scores", made up of 18 months of 20 days and 5 extra days . The Mexica year is vague, that is, it had no adjustments to keep it anchored to a fixed point with respect to the tropic year, such as the Julian or Gregorian year that we currently use. This does not mean that it was a less precise calendar than the current one, but rather it is a calendar that does not add human devices to correct itself, since this phase shift is consciously measured, controlled and allows to correct itself, by re-synchronizing with nature and the associated astronomical cycles, after 1508 years. In other words, it is a MOVING and NOT FIXED mechanism like the one we currently use in the western world. 

 On the other hand, the tonalpohualli, or "Account of Destinations", is an account that was unmatched for use with any other part of the world. This account is an ontological tool that was used, and is still being done, to forecast the destinies of human beings, and in fact, for any human activity. This is an account that some scholars have considered as the "Human Account" since it is very close to the 39 weeks of gestation of a Human Being, which is around 273 days, that is, 260 days + 13.

 One way of understanding this Mexica calendrical mechanism, where both wheels interact, is to think of them as "The Human Account", of 260 days, turning as gears with the "Account of the Earth" of 365 days. Both accounts cycle after 52 vague years, that is, after 73 laps of the Tonalpohualli and 52 laps of the Xihuitl, to give a total of 18,980 days, that is, 73x260 = 52x365. At the end of this period of time, a great celebration was held with a great "end of the century" party, in which a Great New Fire was lit, the temples were covered and everything was renovated, including kitchen utensils and religious images.

As you can see, the Mexican calendrical mechanism is very different from the Western Christian calendar that we know today. 

 One of the functions of the calendrical mechanism was to be able to "forecast", "predict" or "observe" events in the future, or in the past, since they were convinced that time is cyclical, contrary to our current concept, which we consider as just an account. linear that advances without ever going back. This means, according to this worldview, that some events are likely to repeat after the completion of time cycles. They put so much emphasis on the qualities of time to the degree that they were able to calculate the time when the Spanish would arrive in Mexico with complete precision. That is why they allowed Cortés to enter Tenochtitlan, since the ruling class was aware that the end of the cycle had arrived. There are many sources from the 16th century that tell us about the omens and prophecies of the arrival of the Spanish and the prompt surrender of government to them. 

 The tonalpohualli is the basic calendrical mechanism, it is mainly based on the number 13 and is combined with the number 20. Its "weeks" are 13 days, and the initial day governed or gave its mantic or forecast load to the following 12 days subsequent Each start of thirteen towards the same. In total there are 20 Thirteen (20x13 = 260) that make up the "count of destinations". This account is the most important of all and is the one that even gives us a feature of uniqueness as it distinguishes us from all the cultures and civilizations of the world. 

 Now, the native worldview consisted of the balance of opposites, which were not conceived as antagonistic but rather polar and complementary to each other. This incessant search for balance led her to the plane of the calendars through TEMPORARY SYMMETRY, where, for example, 130 days of the 260 days of the tonalpohualli were complementary to the other 130 remaining, with opposite but complementary qualities. Also the year of 365 days divided it into two segments, one of 182 days and the other of 183, or also, 182 + 1 + 182. This is more noticeable if we remember that between the Winter Solstice, the coldest time of the year and the Summer Solstice, the hottest time, there are 182 days (in the northern hemisphere).

Another way to divide the 365-day cycle was into two segments, one of 260 days, the number of days of a complete turn of the tonalpohualli, and another of 105, which completed the 365 days. 

 To give us an idea of ​​what TEMPORARY SYMMETRY is linked to the historical events of the cultures that flourished in ancient MEXICO, I put the following image. It may be noted as some of the most important events in our mother culture, such as the Tenochtitlan Foundation, or the beginning of the migrations from Aztlan and Chicomoztoc (Morlan, 2017), or even the abandonment of Teotihuacan (Linda Manzanilla, 2020) They are separated from each other in chronosegments of 130, 260, 182 or 183 years, numbers that, as we saw, are part of the Mexican calendrical system.

Well, now that we know a little more about this Mexica time mechanism, I will move on to the data found. 

 It must first be remembered that the City of Tenochtitlan was handed over to Cortés on August 13, 1521, Julian, and that Cuauhtémoc handed it over on the day of the tonalpohualli, which was called 1-Coatl (snake) and in the "Count of 18 Fiestas Veintenales ", Mexica year, was day number 182. In other words, Cuauhtémoc delivered the city exactly to HALF of the year (xihuitl) and on day number 105 of the Tonalpohualli account. Do you see how these numbers of the calendrical mechanism appear in the historical dates? This shows that the surrender of the city was planned to be delivered to Cortés precisely when these characteristics of native temporality were fulfilled. This is only understood if we see it through the prisms of the qualitative nature of time as they conceived it. The end of the cycle had simply come and fate had to be accepted. Let's also remember that in 1520, 500 years ago to the year 2020, the people of Pánfilo de Narváez had brought a slave who had contracted smallpox and infected many native people who had no genetic defenses to defend themselves, so many people died from this epidemic. Even Cuitlahua, who came to power after the death of Motecuhzoma, only ruled for 80 days, because at the end of this short time he died of smallpox

And how does this relate to the events of our time in the great COVID 19 pandemic? 

 A few days ago I posted on my Facebook wall an image where I asked myself the question "if it would have any meaning" that precisely in this year 2020 Pope Francis has quoted world leaders, religious, civil, of public educational institutions and private, and in general to anyone who would like to join their initiative to achieve a GLOBAL PACT in the City of Rome, for May 14, and that this date coincides with the start day of the account of Mexica destinations, that is, on day 1-Cipactli. In addition to that this May date is 105 days from August 26, 2020, a date that SURPRISINGLY has the same conditions of the Christian calendar and the tonalpohualli in which 500 years earlier, in 1521, the city of Tenochtitlan had fallen, and as He currently recognizes, much was due to the mortality caused by smallpox. In other words, this coming August 26 (August 13, Julian) will also be named Tonalli 1 Coatl. 

This coincidence is very surprising indeed. I had left the following image as a reminder on my wall to be observing and linking outstanding events that occur over the days and as we get closer to those 3 dates in the image. Let's see it

Well, it turns out that just recently (on March 6) the newspaper The Wall Street Journal published an article announcing that potential "Patient 0" had been found to have contracted the coronavirus. She is a woman from Wuhan City, China, who began showing symptoms of normal flu on December 10, 2019, unaware that it was a new strain of a virus.

I hardly saw this news yesterday, March 27, because I had been following the movements and acts that the Catholic Church and in particular Pope Francis is doing, since I have noticed that many important things of the church, and of several previous popes, can be relate to the Mexica mechanism. In another post I will talk about it.

It was so, after several calculations, that I noticed that there is a relationship of the events that occurred 500 years ago with the events that are occurring these days, and perhaps will occur in the near future, with the 3 dates that I had put in the previous image (May 13-14, August 26, 2020 and May 13, 2021).

Entering fully, let's see in the following diagram that:

1) December 10, 2019, the date that is recognized as the day that PATIENT 0 showed the symptoms of COVID 19, is 260 days before August 26, 2020, which as I mentioned, has the same calendrical characteristics from 500 years ago, that is to say Julian August 13 and native day 1 Coatl.

2) This December 10, 2019 is 182,000 days, fractal number 182, since August 13, 1521, day of the delivery of the City of Tenochtitlan and between both events there is a chronodistance equal to 500 years, or 700 complete turns of the wheel of the tonalpohualli, "Account of Destinations" Mexica.

Another relevant fact is that Cuitlahua, Tlahtoani of Tenochtitlan, died of smallpox 260 days after August 13, 1521, which as we saw, is the date of the fall of the Mexican capital city.

Now, I want to share another fact that my friend the researcher Ignacio Colmenero, who lives in Spain, has made me notice just last night.

It turns out that it is possible to relate events that happened 500 years ago in Rome, with a crucifix from the Church of San Marcelo del Corso, with Pope Francis and the mechanism of the tonalpohualli. Let's look at history.

The church of San Marcelo in Via del Corso in Rome is very old. It was founded in the 4th century by Pope Marcellus I who was persecuted by Emperor Maxentius and condemned to perform the heaviest work in the stables of the catabulum (the state's central post office) until his death from exhaustion. His remains are in the same church. The church, between the night of May 22 and 23, 1519, suffered a raging fire that reduced it completely to ashes. At dawn, the people approached desolate to see the tragic scene of still smoking rubble. There they found the Crucifix hanging on the main altar providentially intact, illuminated by the oil lamp that, although wrinkled by the flames, still burned at his feet. They immediately shouted that it was a miracle and the most devout began to gather every Friday to pray and light lamps at the foot of the wooden image. Thus was born the Archconfraternity of the Most Holy Crucifix in the City, which exists to this day.
Three years after the fire, Rome was hit by the "Great Plague". The people carried the crucifix in procession, managing to overcome even the prohibitions of the authorities, understandably concerned about the spread of the contagion. The crucifix was taken out and led through the streets of Rome to St. Peter's Basilica. The procession began on August 4, 1522 and ended 16 days later. As the procession progressed, the plague showed signs of regression, so each district tried to keep the crucifix as long as possible. In the end, when I returned to the church, the plague had completely stopped. From 1600, the procession from the church of San Marcello to the Basilica of San Pedro became a tradition during the course of the Holy Year. On the reverse side of the cross are engraved the names of the different Pontiffs and the jubilee years.
As we see, it seems that there are features that point to possible tendencies to repeat some historical events of the past with some things that are happening today.

Just a few days ago, on March 15, 2020, Pope Francis made a brief "solitary" pilgrimage to the church of San Marcello to go and pray in front of this miraculous crucifix for the termination of the coronavirus pandemic in Italy, in Rome and in the world in general, emulating the pilgrimages that 500 years ago were made in Rome for the miraculous ending of the great plague.

This is how Colmenero noticed that both events were linked through the tonalpohualli, since both occurred in the tonalli 6 Cipactli and are chronodistanced in almost the same proportion that I mentioned above 182,000 days, with a difference of, again, 260 days !

On the other hand, Colmenero himself has noted that from that date of August 4, 1522 to April 15, 2019, the date on which the terrible fire of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris occurred, there are a number of days to which it is possible to divide it exactly between 365 days!
Let's see the following image:

So what conclusions can we draw from these data? Could it be that time is actually cyclical? If so then will we expect a city / country / empire to fall in the vicinity of this coming August 26, 2020 just as Tenochtitlan fell 500 years ago? Will any president / president / prime minister or someone important in world politics die like Cuitlahua died? Will Pope Francis take the crucifix out of the church of San Marcello through the streets of Rome, as in 1522? or maybe ....... it's just a HUGE CHANCE.

Meanwhile, I will continue to observe and count the days ...
Who is with me? It is an invitation for join me ! :)
Thanks for reading and if you feel like it, kind reader, feel free to share this article ....

PS! Stay home as long as you can!